In focus

"Importance of thought and a focus on the real problem"

Management Blog: "That's the real challenge. And it can't be solved by cancelling some 'hobby courses'. We need originality in debate, research initiatives and [...]"

Calendar of Events institution-wide

  • April 2024
    • 25

      Thursday 25 April


      Develop your knowledge of sustainable development and education for sustainable development.

    • 25

      Thursday 25 April


      To strengthen and complement the channels for the support project the business offers, we are now introducing E-café.

    • 25

      Thursday 25 April


      Learn how to make advanced search strategies in the PubMed and CINAHL databases. Set up an NCBI account where you can save searches and create alerts.


Infocenter, for questions about the university in general.

Servicedesk, for questions about IT-systems, login etc.

Missing English information?

Have you found a page of information or a document you need and it is only available in Swedish? Please report it by filling out a form.

Report missing English translations

If something happens

Information on how to act and receive help in issues related to work environment, harassment, threats, incidents and injuries.