In focus

"Importance of thought and a focus on the real problem"

Management Blog: "That's the real challenge. And it can't be solved by cancelling some 'hobby courses'. We need originality in debate, research initiatives and [...]"

Calendar of Events institution-wide

  • April 2024
    • 24

      Wednesday 24 April


      To strengthen and complement the channels for the support project the business offers, we are now introducing E-café.

    • 24

      Wednesday 24 April


      In this course, you will learn what the PubMed and CINAHL databases contain and the basics of searching them.

    • 25

      Thursday 25 April


      Develop your knowledge of sustainable development and education for sustainable development.


Infocenter, for questions about the university in general.

Servicedesk, for questions about IT-systems, login etc.

Missing English information?

Have you found a page of information or a document you need and it is only available in Swedish? Please report it by filling out a form.

Report missing English translations

If something happens

Information on how to act and receive help in issues related to work environment, harassment, threats, incidents and injuries.