Other unpaid leave

Besides holiday, parental leave and sick leave, you also have the option of taking other types of unpaid leave. You can apply for all types of leave in PASS, apart from leave for other employment. For this, you have to submit form Application for Leave LA07.

Other employment

If you are a permanent employee of the university, you are allowed time off from your employment if you want to work for another government agency. However, this is applicable for no more than two years, unless your employer is of the opinion that there are special reasons for granting you a longer period of leave.

You can take leave in other instances as well in order to try other work which is not government-based. You have to discuss this with your manager first. If you are granted leave of absence, you may be absent for no more than 6 months, unless your employer is of the opinion that there are special reasons for a longer period of leave.

If you want to take time off in order to try another job, you must notify your manager at least as far in advance as your notice period, but max. two months in advance.

If you want to interrupt your leave and return to your original employment, you must notify your manager at least two months before returning. Use form LA07 to apply for leave for other employment.

Unpaid leave for studying

You are entitled to leave from your employment so that you can study. To take time off to study, you have to

  • have been employed for six months before you take leave or
  • for at least twelve months over the last two years before the period of leave.

Your studies must also follow a course syllabus or similar.

Your employer can postpone your leave for max. six months if there are special reasons for doing so. Your application for leave must should be submitted as early as possible.

Care of close associates

You are entitled to time off from work if you need to care for a seriously ill close associate. Your family and friends are close associates. You will receive no pay from the university for the days on which you are absent, but you can apply for benefit from the Social Insurance Agency instead.

Before taking leave from the university, contact the Social Insurance Agency to make sure that you are entitled to benefit.

If you need to take time off to care for a close associate, apply for leave from the university via PASS. Apply for benefit from the Social Insurance Agency at the same time. You can find out more about the rules on benefit and how to apply from the Social Insurance Agency.


The self-service system PASS is where you register leaves of absence, holidays, overtime/extra time, travel claims, etc. If you are an employee, you can also download your payslip from PASS.

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Birgitta Berglund