Reporting secondary employment

Secondary employment must be reported at least once a year, or straight away when previous situations change.

Which secondary employment do you have to report?

If you have to submit a report, you must report:

  • secondary employment in your subject field
  • secondary employment  outside your subject field which entail involvement in close companies (as a partner) or any other type of business or firm run by you or any of your relatives.
  • directorships or senior management positions in limited companies or other legal entities.

When and how should you report your secondary employment?

If you are a member of teaching staff or are covered by the Management Agreement, you have to submit a report on secondary employment, regardless of whether or not you have any secondary employment. In other words, if you have no secondary employment then report that. This report must be submitted by 31 March every year or when your spare time jobs are altered from what you stated in your last report. Your spare time jobs are reported using the "name" form. This form is then sent to X.

What secondary employment are not permitted?

There are a number of spare time jobs which are not permitted. These are

  • secondary employment which harm confidence, which are secondary employment which may undermine confidence in your own impartiality or the impartiality of another employee or which may otherwise harm the reputation of the university.
  • secondary employment  which hinder work, which are secondary employment which are so extensive or of such nature that they hinder regular work.
  • competing secondary employment , which are secondary employment which compete with the university's other services, among other things.

Contact information

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Contact the data protection officers with questions regarding personal data management

Chatarina Wiklund