Working hours for T/A staff

Working hours and flexible working hours are governed by a local collective agreement for technical and administrative staff (T/A staff) that has been negotiated between the University Management and trade unions.

The purpose of the local collective agreement is to enable a good work environment that creates possibilities for employees to control their working hours, within given time frames. In parts of the operations where flextime is not applicable, the conditions for working hours are regulated in appendices. This is the case for staff at Bildmuseet and the University Library.

The normal working hours for a full-time position at the University are 7 hours and 57 minutes per day. Normal working hours are 8:00 until 16:27, Monday to Friday.

You should have at least a 30-minute lunch break no later than five hours after you start work. The lunch break is not included in the working hours.

For part-time workers, the working hours are reduced in proportion to the part-time rate.

Working hours for T/A Staff 2024 (in Swedish)

Working hours for T/A Staff 2023 (in Swedish)

Flex time

You have flexible working hours, which means that you plan and decide your working hours yourself, within certain limits and provided that it is possible based on your work tasks. To keep track of your working hours, a flex template should be used to calculate your hours.

The flex time can be used between 06.30-18.30. Fixed working hours are 09.00-15.00. The lunch must be taken out sometime between 11.00-13.30 and may not exceed two hours. The flex time must not exceed 50 hours plus or 10 hours minus.

Bridge days and reduced working hours

Your working hours incorporate time for bridge days – a working day between a holiday and a weekend (klämdag in Swedish).

Bridge days for T/A staff for 2024 is 10 may, 7 june, 23 dec, 27 dec and 30 dec.

Where necessary for operations, your head of department or manager can request you to work on bridge days. In those cases, terms and conditions for overtime apply.

For the days below, working hours are reduced by the number of hours indicated, when these fall on a working day:

The Twelfth Night (Trettondagsafton) 4 hours
Maundy Thursday (Skärtorsdag) 2 hours
30 April if it falls on a  
a) Tuesday–Thursday 2 hours
b) Friday 4 hours
The day before All Saints' Day 4 hours
23 December, when this occurs on a Friday

4 hours

Public holidays

Public holidays in Sweden are days marked in red in the Swedish calendar (röda dagar in Swedish), and in addition the following days are regarded as public holidays:

  • Holy Saturday (Påskafton – the day after Good Friday at Easter)
  • Whitsun Eve (Pingstafton – 10 days after Ascension Day)
  • National Day (Nationaldagen – 6 June)
  • Midsummer's Eve (Midsommarafton – the Friday between 20 and 26 June)
  • Christmas Eve (Julafton – 24 December)
  • New Year's Eve (Nyårsafton – 31 December).

The National Day of Sweden

The National Day of Sweden on 6 June is a public holiday. If the national day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the employee is compensated with a work-free day the Friday before the national day.

Overtime (övertid)

Compensation for overtime or extra time takes place in the form of either leave or financial compensation (mertidsersättning or övertidsersättning). In order to be eligible to receive compensation for overtime of any sort, this must either have been requested by the employer or approved retrospectively.

Overtime encompasses all working hours outside of the standard daily working hours for a full-time employee. As an employee, you can be requested to work a maximum of 48 hours overtime during a four week period, or 50 hours overtime during one calendar month. You are compensated for overtime in the form of financial compensation or time off.

You register your overtime in PASS.

If there are specific reasons as to why the hours of overtime and additional hours need to exceed the limitations stated above, a special agreement between the employer and the employee is required. There are two types of overtime; standard and qualified.

Standard overtime (enkel övertid)

Standard overtime (enkel övertid) means overtime at other times than specified as qualified overtime, see below.

Qualified overtime (kvalificerad övertid) 

Qualified overtime is overtime performed

  • between 19:00 on Fridays and 07:00 on Mondays
  • between 19:00 on the day before the following public holidays and 07:00 the next business day:
    • Epiphany (Trettondagen – 6 January)
    • 1 May (Första maj)
    • Ascension Day (Kristi himmelsfärdsdag – 39 days after Easter Sunday)
    • The National Day of Sweden (Sveriges nationaldag – 6 June)
  • between 19:00 on Maundy Thursday (Skärtorsdag – the Thursday before Easter) and 07:00 the day after Easter Monday (Annandag påsk)
  • between 19:00 the day before the following public holidays and 07:00 the next business day: Midsummer's Eve (Midsommarafton), Christmas Eve (Julafton) and New Year's Eve (Nyårsafton)
  • any other times between 22:00–06:00.

Additional hours (mertid)

If you are working part-time and are requested to work outside of your regular working hours, the time you work is called additional hours (mertid). You are compensated for the additional hours in the form of financial compensation or time off. For a part-time employee, the standard working hours plus the additional hours may not add up to more hours than a full-time position.

You register your additional hours in PASS.

You can be requested to work a maximum of 150 additional hours per calendar year. However, the additional hours may not exceed 175 hours per calendar year. Together, the overtime and additional hours, may mount up to a maximum of 200 hours per calendar year.

Compensatory leave (kompensationsledigt)

Compensatory leave is:

  • when standard overtime (before 22:00) is applicable – 1.5 times the actual overtime
  • when qualified overtime (after 22:00 and holidays) is applicable – double the actual overtime
  • when additional hours are applicable – the same amount as the additional hours


The self-service system PASS is where you register leaves of absence, holidays, overtime/extra time, travel claims, etc. If you are an employee, you can also download your payslip from PASS.

Log in to PASS

Birgitta Berglund