Criteria for recognised and distinguished university teachers

Here are the criteria for recognised and distinguished university teachers.

The criteria below are valid from 2021-12-21. To be appointed all criteria must be met, but all of the indicators do not have to to be met.

Criteria for recognised university teachers

A recognised teacher is expected to have teaching experience beyond what is required for employment as a teacher at Umeå University. For recognised teachers there is an emphasis on commitment and expertise in their interaction with students. This is displayed in the planning, implementation, assessment, evaluation and development of their teaching.

Teaching experience

The teacher has extensive and broad teaching experience at higher education level and has made significant contributions to the development of courses or programmes.
Aspects of importance for assessment are, for example, that the teacher has experience of

  • a variety of teaching assignments
  • different educational levels
  • different teaching forms
  • different types of student groups
  • responsibility for courses or modules

Reflective approach

The teacher has a reflective and critical approach towards their own teaching.
Aspects of importance for assessment are, for example, that the teacher

  • shows awareness of their educational starting points and standpoints
  • reflects on the goals of higher education, the prerequisites of the subject and the advantages and disadvantages of different teaching forms and how these factors underpin the design of their own teaching
  • reflects on course contents and teaching forms in discussions with colleagues and students
  • learns from past experiences, both positive and less positive, and uses these experiences in the development of teaching and their own learning


The teacher shows commitment to the teaching assignment and develops and renews their own pedagogical practice.
Aspects of importance for assessment are, for example, that the teacher:

  • actively participates in developing individual teaching efforts, modules and courses
  • systematically evaluates their teaching and uses the results to improve the quality of education
  • develops their higher education teaching competence through continuing professional development and discussions with colleagues and students
  • develops their subject- and professional knowledge through continuing professional development and discussions with colleagues and other parties.

Teaching expertise

The teacher has good ability to plan, implement and evaluate teaching and assessment that supports the students' learning.
Aspects of importance for assessment are, for example, that the teacher

  • plans, implements, assesses, evaluates and develops teaching in order to support student learning and train students in critical thinking
  • develops and adapts forms of teaching and assessment with regard to the subject matter, different student groups and the distribution form of the education.
  • interrelates their own teaching to other courses or modules within the subject to achieve course progression and context
  • has received positive assessments of their teaching ability

Criteria for distinguished teachers

A distinguished teacher has a broader pedagogical skill-set than that required for the level of recognised teacher. At the level of distinguished teacher emphasis is placed on the teacher's scientific approach to the educational task and their commitment and proficiency in educational leadership and professional development.

Scientific approach

The teacher applies a scientific approach to the practice of higher education teaching by analysing and reflecting on their own practice and disseminating their knowledge.
Aspects of importance for assessment are, for example, that the teacher

  • shows awareness of their educational starting points and standpoints based on a scientific approach and proven experience
  • reflects on the scientific traditions of their own subject and the importance of these for teaching and the students' learning
  • develops study resources and teaching materials on the basis of subject-specific didactics and higher educational pedagogy
  • communicates their higher education pedagogical experiences, knowledge and skills through contributions to national and international networks, conferences or journals

Educational leadership

The teacher promotes higher educational development and cooperation through educational leadership, both within and outside the university.
Aspects of importance for assessment are, for example, that the teacher

  • initiates, evaluates and pursues the development of education in cooperation with the collegium and other parties
  • initiates and participates in educational discussions, seminars and conferences within and outside the university
  • promotes higher education teaching development, cooperation and participation at different levels within and outside the university
  • has taken a leadership role in strategic and operational educational development tasks

Professional development

The teacher has systematically developed both themselves and their higher education teaching activities over time.
Aspects of importance for assessment are, for example, that the teacher has

  • continuously developed their higher educational skills in a multifaceted manner
  • continuously developed their pedagogic activities to promote the quality of education and student learning
  • visions and plans for educational development work in relation to the prerequisites of higher education
Ellen Säll