Teaching portfolio

The purpose of a teaching portfolio is to clarify and display the teacher's pedagogic skill. The skill is demonstrated through the pedagogical intentions and actions of the teacher, and which effect this has had on the quality of the teaching and student learning.

At Umeå University, pedagogic skill is assessed in connection with the recruitment and promotion of teachers and upon application for placement within the university's pedagogic qualification system. A pedagogic portfolio can also be used for the teacher's own career planning and in conjunction with progress and salary discussions. Umeå University has rules for the Documentation and assessment of pedagogic qualifications. On these pages you can find tips and ideas on how to compile your teaching portfolio for different purposes.

A pedagogic portfolio should always include:

  • the teacher's account of their pedagogic starting points and attitude
  • examples of how these are expressed practically in the teacher's pedagogic work, and
  • the valuations and judgments of others, with regard to the teacher's pedagogic activity.

All three components are to be accompanied by appendices, literature references or links so that the documentation is comprehensive and credible. Furthermore, the pedagogic portfolio should be supplemented with a CV. The format can be either paper or web-based, or a combination of both. The portfolio should not exceed 8 pages of printed text, excluding appendices and the CV.

Hanna Karlsson