Curriculum Vitae (CV) for pedagogic qualifications

A teaching portfolio is a qualitative account of a teacher's pedagogical merits. A CV detailing the teacher's pedagogic activities should supplement the portfolio to describe the more quantitative aspects of the merits.

For employment, promotion or placement within the pedagogic qualification system, the applicant must demonstrate how the assessment grounds and criteria for pedagogic skill are met, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

A CV of pedagogic activities should contain comprehensible compilations of the teacher's:

  • teaching activities, including supervision
  • pedagogic education, competence development and professional development
  • pedagogic development work
  • production of teaching aids, books or the like
  • participation in pedagogic conferences
  • education planning or assignments with pedagogic responsibility
  • pedagogic prizes and distinctions

The teaching portfolio contains examples, justifications and appendices that demonstrate the quality and results of the activities.

Hanna Karlsson