Development discussion

A development discussion is a prepared, structured and annually recurrent meeting. During the meeting you will discuss your work situation and your need for professional development. To participate is seen as a part of your normal responsibilities and duties as an employee.



All employees at Umeå University have the opportunity to annually participate in a development discussion with their manager. The discussion is to be both backwards and forward looking, and the individual development plan together with the questions concerning working environment and equal opportunities form a vital basis.

Another essential part of the meeting is to discuss your need for professional development, for the upcoming year and in the long run. The development discussion is also an important part of the University's systematic working environment management to investigate possible risks in your working environment.

The development discussion is not a salary discussion, and the two meetings will be held separately.

Why the development discussion is important

The main purpose of the development discussion is to strengthen both the organisation and the employee, and promote job satisfaction, motivation and strong performance.

The development discussion is also an important occasion at which managers and employees can harmonise mutual expectations and provide feedback on the past year.

How to prepare yourself for the development discussion

To have a rewarding development discussion it is important that you and your manager prepare yourselves before the meeting.

In the following video, you will receive practical guidance and tips about the development discussion. The video is divided into three main steps: before, during and after the meeting. 

video about development discussion

template for development discussion

Development discussion template

Development discussion template Word

To be able to fill in the template, you need to download it to your computer, not Teams. The template is also available in Swedish.

Career development and support

contact information



Torbjörn Forsberg
HR Strategist
Human Resources Office
📞 090-786 70 80

Caroline Henrysson