Employment Committee

2022-01-01 -- 2025-12-31


Richard Bindler, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

Vice Chair:
Malin Linder-Nording, Department of Chemistry


Catherine Bellini, Department of Plant Physiology (from March 16, 2022)

Martin Berggren, Department of Computing Science

Ann-Kristin Bergström, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

Tomas Bergqvist, Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Gert Brodin, Department of Physics

Gerhard Gröbner, Department of Chemistry

Kristina Kunert, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics

Per-Håkan Lundow, Department of Chemistry

Ola Ringdahl, Department of Computing Science (from March 16, 2022)

Victoria Shingler, Department of Molecular Biology

Jun Yu, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics

Student representatives:

Ordinarie: Samuel Kenrick, NTK

Suppleant: Samuel Sahlin, NTK

Contact information

Lena Lundin,
Faculty coordinator
Phone: 090-786 51 85
Email: lena.lundin@umu.se


Frankie Ekerholm,
Faculty coordinator
Phone: 090-786 74 38
Email: frankie.ekerholm@umu.se
