I am a manager and need to handle a situation

As a manager, you have access to support and information that lie within your areas of responsibility. Here is a summary of places you can turn.

If your role includes financial, HR and operational responsibilities, there is support available. Below is a summary of how various situations are processed at the University and to whom you can turn when you need assistance.

Hantera arbetsskada, tillbud och riskobservation (in Swedish only)

Hantera diskriminering, trakasserier och kränkande särbehandling (In Swedish only)

Hantera hat, hot och våld (In Swedish only)


Hantera konflikter (In Swedish only)

Hantera misskötsamhet (In Swedish only)

Hantera personansvarsärende (In Swedish only)

Hantera misstanke om oredlighet i forskning (handläggningsordning, In Swedish only)

Theft, sabotage and burglary

Anja Axelsson