Step 2: From doctoral student to PhD

The second step is open to doctoral students in the second half of their doctoral education. The focus is on the doctoral students’ ability to manage stress and demands in the later stage of the education, as well as prepare for the next career step.

The Development programme for doctoral students lays the foundation for a long and sustainable working life in the academic community.

The teaching consists of a combination of introductory lectures, seminars, and workshops where examples are taken from the doctoral students' own context. 

The whole programme is provided in English.

Please observe that it is not mandatory to have participated in step 1 to participate in step 2.

Development programme for doctoral students

Information for doctoral students


Step 2: From doctoral student to PhD targets doctoral students during the second half of the education, i.e. after the mid-seminar or licentiate seminar.

The aim of this step is to provide doctoral students with tools to handle difficult situations that may arise in the doctoral education and increase the opportunities for a continued career after the doctoral education.

Step 2 consists of four integrated seminars/themes with focus on:

  1. taking care of yourself and your abilities
  2. doing the right things the right way
  3. entering the final phase
  4. finishing one career step and starting the next.

The themes in step 2 will help you to develop your awareness and ability to better manage the ups and downs of the doctoral education and contributes to your transition to a career after the doctoral education.

Expected outcomes

After having completed the second step of the programme, participants should:

  • have a better understanding of the importance of setting boundaries and managing stress.
  • have developed strategies to work in a more efficient and effective way.
  • have developed self-awareness and ability to reflect on the conditions that affect their transition to the next career step.
  • have developed an action plan for their continued career.

Form of instruction

Step 2 consists of four three-hour sessions, i.e., 12 hours in total.

As part of the training, participants are expected to work with preparatory assignments and home assignments. Some of the assignments are done individually while some are based on conversations between you and your supervisor.

Schedule for the upcoming course offering

Seminar 1: To take care of yourself and your abilities

Date: 22 March, 2024
Time: 09:00 - 12:00
Place: Universitetsklubben

Seminar 2: To do the right things and in the right way

Date: 4 April, 2024
Time: 9:00 - 12:00
Place: Universitetsklubben

Seminar 3: To enter the final phase

Date: 12 April, 2024
Time: 09:00 - 12:00
Place: LÄR.B.230

Seminar 4: To finish one career step and start the next

Date: 18 April, 2024
Time: 9:00 - 12:00
Place: Universitetsklubben


Information for supervisors

The purpose of step 2

The purpose of step 2 is to provide tools and practical advice to increase the doctoral students' ability to handle difficult situations that may arise in the doctoral education and thus enable a continued career after the doctoral education.

Step 2 consists of two integrated seminars/themes with focus on:

  • taking care of yourself and your abilities
  • doing the right things the right way
  • entering the final phase
  • finishing one career step and starting the next.

The supervisors role

The doctoral student's participation in the programme means that you are expected to participate in a number of discussion-based tasks.

The intention is that you together you will find ways to a good collaboration and lay the foundation for a continued career after completing your postgraduate studies.

How to apply to the programme

Apply to the programme (step 1 or step 2) by filling in and sending the application form. The application form is available via the link below and in the menu to the left.

Please remember to establish your participation in the programme with your supervisor before your application.

After your application you will receive an email with information about if you have been admitted or if you need to apply again for a later round.

Application for the Development programme for doctoral students

Application dates

Step 1: 30 August, 2024

Step 2: 23 February, 2024
Registration for step 2 is still open, few places available.

Frequently asked questions

Who can participate?

As a doctoral student at Umeå University, you can apply to the programme if you get approval from one of your supervisors who also participate in the programme with you.

Why should I take the development programme for doctoral students?

The programme:

  • strengthens doctoral students in leading themselves and coping with demands for performance
  • supports the supervisors and clarifies their role in relation to the doctoral students
  • clarifies the supervisors' responsibilities for the doctoral students' work environment
  • provides the doctoral student and the supervisor with tools to handle tough situations that can arise in the doctoral education
  • Increases the doctoral students' abilities to handle the role, which lays the foundation for a continued academic career after completed doctoral education.

What is the programme set up?

The programme is divided into two steps depending on how far into your doctoral education you have come.

Step 1: The doctoral student role and doctoral students' work environment is targeted at students who have not yet had their mid-seminar.

Step 2: From doctoral student to PhD is targeted to those who have had their mid-seminar.

All sessions are held in English.



Application dates

Step 1: 30 August, 2024

Step 2: 23 February, 2024
Registration for step 2 is still open, few places available.

Therese Holmgren