Subtitles for educational videos

At the moment you can order help with subtitling or to correct subtitles in your Swedish or English educational films. Here you can read about how to order the service.

According to the Law on Accessibility to Digital Public Service, all films used at universities must be subtitled.

Auto-generated subtitles in Umu Play

It is possible to order an automatically generated subtitle for your films directly in Umu Play. The automatic subtitling is not always correct and requires some correction. You can make the correction yourself, but at the moment there is a service where you can get help with corrections. Please note that the service does not include translations of movies.

NOTE!! There are hundred of films in the queue waiting for correction, so the waiting time is very long.

A guide in Swedish on how to automatically generate subtitles in Umu Play

How to order help with subtitles

Here's how to order help with subtitling or correcting an automatically generated subtitle:

  1. Go to Umu Play and copy the web address (URL) of the movie you want help with
  2. Create a ticket in Servicedesk (IT support)
    Select category: Subtitles
    Paste the URL of the movie
    Enter the spoken language in the film (the service applies to Swedish or English films)
    If you have a speech script - attach it to the case
  3. When the subtitling is corrected and ready, you will be notified by e-mail
  4. You, as a teacher, are responsible for checking that the correction and the subtitles are correct

Link to Servicedesk

Terms of service

  • You must place an order via Servicedesk for your request to be processed
  • One video per request
  • The service only covers educational videos
  • The language must be Swedish or English
  • The service does not include translation of films
  • The service only covers movies that are in Umu Play, YouTube or Vimeo movies are not supported
  • Remember to request your correction or subtitles well before the film is to be used

About the service

The subtitling service is a university-wide project and support and help with subtitling is offered free of charge until 2025. Teaching assistants from various subjects and faculties with good knowledge of Swedish and English will support you as a teacher with subtitling of your teaching films.

Common questions

What happens if I am not satisfied with the subtitling?

This is not a professional service but the teaching assistants will do their best to create a subtitle that corresponds to what is said in the film. In the event of ambiguities, you as the customer may be contacted for clarification.

Alternatively, you can always carry out post-correction of the subtitling yourself. It is always you who are responsible for checking that there are no factual errors or other issues with the subtitles. (See guide for subtitling in Umu Play - in Swedish)

How fast will I get the corrected subtitle?

It depends entirely on how many requests are in the queue. As a guideline, correcting subtitles on a 10-minute movie takes about 50 minutes to manually correct. The plan is for the teaching assistants to be hired at 20 percent during each academic year.

Which videos can I get help with?

Only films to be used for educational purposes are covered by the service.

Can I get help with films that are on platforms other than Umu Play, e.g. YouTube?



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