Web-ISP - web-based system for individual study plan for doctoral students

The Web-ISP is a web-based system for managing the individual study plans at Umeå University.

What is an individual study plan (ISP)?

Every doctoral student must have an individual study plan (ISP). It is a tool for planning and follow-up of each doctoral student´s education. The doctoral student and the supervisors must perform a follow-up at least once a year. All information in the ISP must conform to the rules in the Legal framework at Umeå University.

What is Web-ISP?

The Web-ISP is a web-based system for managing the individual study plans at Umeå University. To access the system you need an UmU-identity. What you can do in the system depends on your role (doctoral student, supervisor or assessor). For those who do not have an UmU-identity but need access (e.g. supervisors from other universities), an UmU-identity can be created by the department where the doctoral student is active.

How do I log in?

The system is web-based and you need your UmU-identity:

Log in

The system may be different in appearance depending on what browser is being used. There is no recommended browser so it is up to the user to try what works best. Both descriptions in the manual and possible errors in the functions may be caused by the browser used. It is recommended that you try a different browser if problems occur.

Support and help

If you have questions about...

  • what needs to be included in the ISP - find more information on the page Study plans, or contact the resources at the department
  • the system Web-ISP, or wish to report errors - contact Student Records Office.

support for web-isp

Do you need support, or to report errors?
Send an e-mail to:


Help documents for working in Web-ISP
Manual in English

Workflow Doctoral student

Workflow Principal supervisor

Workflow Assistant supervisor

Workflow Assessor

Workflow Associated user

Sonja Nordström