Work environment and equal opportunities at the Faculty

A good physical, organisational and social work and study environment on equal terms is essential for the health and performance of employees and students. At the Faculty of Science and Technology we strive for an inclusive workplace and study culture, where all staff and students thrive and develop and where we treat each other with respect for the equal value of all.

Together, we work actively and proactively with work environment and equal opportunities!

It is of great importance that our managers and leaders take responsibility for their employees' work environment and promote good employee management, where all employees are involved in and take their share of responsibility for the work environment. Equally important is that teachers and students work actively to create a good learning and study environment.

The departments have work environment representatives and equal opportunities representatives. The work environment representatives represent the employees and act as a link between employees and the managers in work environment matters. The equal opportunities representatives are the manager's resource in the active work with equal conditions. The managers also receive support from their human resources officer and the Faculty Office regarding work environment issues and equal opportunities. Together with managers, leaders, co-workers, teachers and students, we work towards a good work and study environment on equal terms.

The Faculty has an active network of work environment- and equal opportunities representatives. The network meets regularly and discusses current issues, exchanges experiences and shares good examples.

Courses and seminars to support managers and leaders

At the Faculty, we actively work on the development of our managers and leaders by offering courses, seminars and support based on their needs and the objectives of the faculty. We conduct prefect seminars twice a semester. These seminars allow Heads of Departments/corresponding to discuss and share experiences and good practices with each other on a specific theme. We also offer more training and seminars aimed at developing leadership skills and competence within the areas of work environment and equal opportunities.

Occupational environment and equal opportunities group keeps the work together

The Faculty has a work environment and equal opportunities group consisting of Mikael Elofsson, Dean, Sara Sjöstedt de Luna, Vice Dean, and Åsa Boily, Head of Faculty Office.

The group holds together the faculty's work on occupational health and safety and equal opportunities. It serves as a forum for current issues, planning and follow-up, as well as dialogue and discussion between the faculty's management and the officer for work environment and equal opportunities.

The group meets regularly and plans faculty-wide activities in the areas of work environment and equal opportunities. These may include courses and seminars based on the faculty's activity plan and requests and needs from the departments.

Anna-Lena Lindskog