Save and share using Office 365

This page contains information about how to store and share your files safely and efficiently in OneDrive, Teams, and Sharepoint available in Office 365.


Use OneDrive to store your own files. You have 1TB of storage and can access your files no matter where you are or what device you are using. You can share files or folders with other people. You own the files and decide the type of permissions, but the recipient has access to them and the latest version if you change it.


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Use Teams to share files with a group, project or office. All participants own all the files unless other permissions are set. Teams is a simple way of working together on files. All members of the group can edit the files at the same time, and they will always have the most recent version. The files used in Teams are also stored in Sharepoint as a group website is automatically created in the background when a team is created.

Read more about Teams


It is possible to choose a team site in Sharepoint without creating a team in Teams. Sharepoint enables you to move and copy files to other team sites at the University, move them on an existing team site, or share them externally. You can also control the authorisations for shared files and folders.

Read more about Sharepoint

What is the difference between Teams and Sharepoint?

We recommend creating a Sharepoint team site if your main need is to be able to store shared files. However, if you also need to collaborate and communicate with each other, then we recommend using Teams. If you have a Sharepoint team site and later decide that you would like to use Teams, then you can add your Teams group to the site retroactively.

Which storage service is the right one?

To summarise, OneDrive is used for your own material, whereas Teams and Sharepoint are more suitable for shared files within a working team. If you have shared files via OneDrive, and later stop working at Umeå University, they will no longer be shared. If you have been using Teams or Sharepoint, people will still have access to the file.

Personal data and sensitive personal data

Do not store sensitive personal data or confidential information in Office 365

It is prohibited to store sensitive personal data, personal data that merit special protection or confidential information in Office 365. This means that you cannot save information about a person's health, protected addresses, criminal records, data from development discussions, tenders and procurements, information about a person's ethnic background, political views, and sexuality. Personal identity numbers are considered to be sensitive personal data.

Do you have any questions about information security and storing files? Contact the IT security team via Servicedesk.

Do not store research material of high protection value

You are not allowed to store any research material of high protection value in Office 365. The University offers a secure storage space for such files.
Start by performing an information classification before determining where your material can be stored.

Secure storage space for files of high protection value

Do you have any questions about information security and storage? Contact the IT security team or the information security coordinator via Servicedesk.

LOG IN TO Microsoft 365

Log in using your Umu-id and password.

Log in to Microsoft 365


Learn more about Microsoft 365 with the user forum.

User forum Microsoft 365

You will find instructions about how to use Microsoft 365 on the university's website Manual.

Microsoft 365, Manual

Microsoft offers lots of self-help user support online. At the bottom of the support page, you can choose between a long list of languages.

Office Help & Training, Microsoft 365

Elin Sköld