Research resource for Covid-19 associated research

2 June 2020

The Faculty of Medicine announces planning grants for Covid-19 associated research. The aim of this call is for the resource to strengthen Covid-19 associated research at the Faculty and to be competitive for external funding sought, for Covid-19 research, from government research councils and other national research funders.

The resource is open but considering that it is a planning allocation, and the relatively short time of utilization (201001-211231), it ought to be used primarily for the financing of operational costs, infrastructure or, if motivated, funding for existing staff.
The planning grant is between SEK 200,000 and SEK 1,000,000.

The research resource is widely targeted at research that can reduce the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic or prevent future pandemics. The research may also concern Covid-19 pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment methods, vaccines, drugs, infectious agents, medical devices and research issues from an epidemiological, public health and health sciences perspectives.
Anyone who has already been granted planning funding from the Faculty for Covid-19 research can apply, but not for the same costs. Information on this will be requested in the application.

The application should be written in English (as the reviewers may be English speakers); must be signed by the applicant and certified by the Head of the Department. The Head of the department also certifies and explains how the application has undergone internal peer-review at the department.

Eligible to apply
Eligible to apply are staff the Faculty of Medicine with a PhD, with the employment scope of at least 20%, during the entire period 2020-10-01 to 2021-12-31 .
For questions regarding eligibility, the Departments Administrator can contact Wasif Ali (

Review and decision
The Review panel is responsible for evaluating applications based on the following assessment criteria and scales:
• Scientific quality of the project (1-7)
• Applicant's competence (1-7)
• Feasibility (1-3)
• Relevance to Covid-19 Associated Research (Yes or No)
• Overall assessment reflecting the scientific quality of the application (1-7)

Scoring according to these criteria aims to facilitate the assessment of individual parameters. An overall assessment reflecting the scientific quality of the application will also be carried out. Additionally, based on the assessment, all reviewers make an individual ranking of the applications. The individual ranking of applications by all reviewers will be combined to one and deliberated at the Review panel's meeting. When two or more applications are assessed as equal based on total scores, the score for scientific quality will be ranked most important.

The application must be sent in one PDF file to no later than 26 June 2020.
• In the subject line of the e-mail, mention the call's register number FS 2.1.6-1233-20.
• Name your file "FS 2.1.6-1233-20 Covid-19 resource_your name".

Editor: Wasif Ali