Longer terms of office for deans and heads of department

7 October 2016

The University Board decided on Thursday to establish a revised rule of procedure for Umeå University. Above all, the changes deal with the extension in terms of office for deans, pro deans and heads pf departments.

The rule of procedure describes Umeå University's overall structure of organisation and decision-making as well as the responsibilities and assignments tied to the respective functions and roles.

The differences to the previous version of the rule of procedure mainly concern a change in term of office for deans, pro deans and heads of department. Another change is that strategic councils are taken out of the rule of procedure.

"Introducing longer terms of office provides deans and heads of departments with greater opportunities to long-term leadership," says University Director Caroline Sjöberg.

"Removing the strategic councils from the rule of procedure means that the Vice-Chancellor now decides on the organisation and drafting decisions. Some councils will remain, new can be added but some will be discontinued. This will depend on the University's needs of various groups and working teams," says Caroline Sjöberg.

What else is new is that the appointment as head of department for a continuous period of more than eight years only can be approved in exceptional cases. Previously, the total term of the appointment was not regulated.

The revision of the rule of procedure has been made in collaboration with faculties, the University Administration, the Umeå University Library, Umeå School of Education and the main trade unions.

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