New book: Observing writing

3 May 2019

Eva Lindgren and Kirk Sullivan, both at the Department of Language Studies, are editors and two of the authors in a new book: Observing Writing: Insights from Keystroke Logging and Handwriting.



Eva Lindgren and Kirk Sullivan and the others in the research group Litum, are a leading research group in this area, and their 2006 volume has been referred to as "the bible of keystroke logging".

The new volume highlights current theoretical and applied research questions in keystroke logging and handwriting research that observes writing. Researchers from 10 countries including Sweden, New Zealand, Belgium and the USA have contributed to the volume.

This publication of the volume is timely as they just have released the first call for one of the world's leading writing conferences that will be held in Umeå next year: SIG Writing 2020 Conference.


Read more about the book at

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