TUA-projektmedel fördelade för 2018-2021

21 juni 2017

TUA-kommittén beslutade 20 juni om fördelning av TUA-projektmedel åren 2018-2021.

De sex projekten tilldelas totalt 1 600 000 kronor vardera.

Karin Nylander: Studies of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, focusing on age of patients and early changes in clinically normal tongue adjacent to the tumour.

Anders Johansson: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans – a periopathogen with capacity to cause dysregulation in the host response.

Nicklas Strömberg: Host susceptibility and Streptococcus mutans virulence identify subtypes of caries of significance to individualized oral care.

Catharina Österlund: The interference from jaw and neck pain during development of jaw motor function in children.

Eva Levring Jäghage: Carotid calcifications in panoramic radiographs of the jaws – diagnostic reliability in odontological practice and association to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and oral health.

Py Palmqvist: Bile salt-stimulated lipase and CCL11: Molecules of importance in periodontal and peri-implant disturbed bone remodelling?

Redaktör: Lena Åminne

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