Jubileumsveckan (Anniversary Week)

26 oktober 2018

Välkommen till Samhällsvetenskaliga fakultetens jubileumsvecka (Anniversary Week)!

I år är det 50 år sedan den samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Umeå universitet bildades. Vi passar därför på att fira 50 år av fantastisk utveckling inom forskning, utbildning och samverkan under en jubileumsvecka, den 16-23 november 2018. Under veckan anordnas en rad aktiviteter som t.ex. populärvetenskapliga föreläsningar, tårtkalas, öppet hus och utställningar. Firandet avslutas fredagen den 23 november med jubileumsföreläsningar (Hörsal A, Samhällsvetarhuset) där EU-kommissionär Cecilia Malmström är huvudtalare samt att alla anställda vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten bjuds på en efterföljande buffé på kvällen på Universum.

Varmt välkomna!


Anniversary Week
This year it is 50 years since the Faculty of Social Sciences at Umeå University was formed. We are therefore looking forward to celebrating 50 years of fantastic developments in research, education and collaboration during the Anniversary Week, 16-23 November 2018.

During the week a series of activities are organized including an opening ceremony, an open house for the general public, popular science lectures, and many other activities. The celebration ends Friday the 23rd of November with some special anniversary lectures by invited guests (in the afternoon in Hörsal A, in Lindellhallen – the program will be in Swedish) followed by a buffet in the evening at Universum for employees of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Our hope is that you will be able to join us during the celebration. While much of the program will be in Swedish, we want to especially encourage our non-Swedish speaking coworkers to take part in:

  • The opening event on Friday, November 16th at 2 pm in Lindellhallen. Join us for some short opening statements, cake, and music!
  • The open house on Saturday, November 17th (between 11 am and 3 pm in Lindellhallen and parts of Samhällsvetarhuset and Lärarhuset. While the oral presentations that will be held in Swedish, many departments and organizations will have exhibits and hands-on activities that can be informative and fun for people of all backgrounds and ages!
  • The lunch time lectures on Monday, November 19th in Hörsal C in Lindellhallen will all be held in English.

We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with you!


Redaktör: Eva Stoianov

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