Call for Micro-projects relating to Critical, Ethical, Legal, and Social AI

12 February 2024

TAIGA's focus area 'CELS-AI: Critical, Ethical, Legal and Social AI' builds on the ELS approach to AI – the analysis of AI in light of ethical, legal, and societal values and expectations, thereby engaging in the analysis of broader societal dimensions of AI. Researchers at Umeå University are invited to apply for funding for small, short-term projects related to the fields of interest of the focus area. Last day to apply is March 15, 2024.

Projects that involve transdisciplinary collaboration, including but not exclusively involving areas represented in TAIGA, are particularly encouraged. Projects that can expect to produce tangible results are prioritized. Projects will be evaluated in terms of their fit to the focus area, their scientific interest, feasibility, and transdisciplinarity.
Total funding available amounts to SEK 100.000 (including overhead), which may have to be divided between more than one project. For this reason, please state in the application both the desired budget and a minimal viable budget for the micro-project. The funds can be used to cover research time, equipment, travel, and guest speakers.

The funds need to be used during year 2024 and project results be reported by the end of January 2025.

To apply, please send the attached document to the focus area coordinator, Markus Naarttijärvi, by March 15, 2024.