Half-day course for doctoral supervisors

16 September 2022

This course is based on a series of cases that provide the opportunity to discuss and reflect, together with other supervisors, on different situations that may arise under supervision of doctoral students, and which require knowledge of regulations and guidelines for doctoral studies. Deadline for application: 8 December.

The aim is to give the opportunity to update knowledge of supervisor responsibilities and to get perspective on the supervisor role.

The Faculty Board has decided that all main supervisors should have a formal supervisor education. Main supervisors who already have supervised doctoral students or have a certificate of supervisor education that is older than five years when admitting a doctoral student must pass an approved half-day education. The requirement for a completed and updated supervisor education applies from 2021-03-01.

Target group

This course is for doctoral supervisors at the Faculty of Medicine who have previously supervised doctoral students but lack formal supervisor education or supervisors who have completed a supervisor education before December 2017.


Thursday 15 December 2022, from 1 pm to 4 pm.

The course is given in English.

The course will be given via Zoom. A link will be sent to accepted participants before the start of the course.

Deadline for application: 8 December.


Registration for the course is done by e-mail to Gunilla Mårald, gunilla.marald@umu.se.

The registration should include information about:

  • Department
  • Completed supervisor education "Doctoral supervision in practice" (yes/no), and, if yes, when
  • Supervision of doctoral students to dissertation (yes/no)
  • Admission of doctoral student is planned (yes/no), and, if yes, when


Questions about your registration? Contact Gunilla Mårald.

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