Do not upgrade to Office 2016

20 August 2015

The mail client Outlook 2016, which is a part of the Office 2016 suite is not compatible with the unversity's current version of the email client Exchange. Please do not upgrade your computer until your mailbox can be moved to a new Exchange version.

It is now possible to upload a new Office suite – Office 2016 – for both PC and Mac. The IT Office is kindly asking all members of staff to not upgrade yet. The reason for this is that the accompanying email client Outlook 2016 is not compatible with the current email client Exchange.

"Please do not upgrade until the mailbox can be moved to Exchange 2013. If you have already upgraded, you can use your webmail or another email software until you have been moved to the upgraded email client," says Mattias Wallmark at the IT Office.

The university is now involved in a project of upgrading the email service, which solves the problem of Outlook 2016 and results in a better and more secure email service.

For more information, please contact:

Mattias Wallmark
IT Office

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