Teaching Sabbatical – international experiences in the teaching role

16 June 2017

STINT announces Teaching Sabbatical - a scholarship programme aimed at giving researchers and university lecturers, who are passionate about education, international experiences relevant to their teaching role rather than their research one. Deadline to be nominated is 8 September 2017.

The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, STINT, promotes knowledge and competence development within internationalisation and invests in internationalisation projects proposed by researchers, educators and leaderships at Swedish universities.

STINT is collaborating with selected universities and colleges based in USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. New for this year STINT is welcoming an eleventh partner, the University of Texas at Austin.

Participating lecturers will reside at the foreign institution for the autumn term (August to December). The intention is for them to teach, either by giving a course themselves or in partnership with a colleague at the host institution. The lecturers' task is to gain an understanding of learning and teaching policies and how these institutions implement and develop learning and teaching processes, as well as address educational quality standards. Great emphasis is on involving the university leadership and how the universities will use returning lecturers' experiences in various ways towards positive dissemination impacts. Continuing relationships between Swedish and foreign institutions after the scholarships are welcomed.

Lecturers themselves cannot apply directly to STINT for these scholarships, they are nominated by their university. Umeå University can nominate three candidates, whereof two main candidates and one reserve.

The director of studies or the prefect at the lecturer's department nominates interested candidates to:

Greg Neely, pro dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences

The nomination must include the following documents in English:

  • a letter of support from the prefect or the director of studies at the candidate's department.
  • the candidate's CV.
  • a description of the candidate's background and motive for participating, including examples of courses that can be given at the foreign institution.

Use the form below and submit the nominations no later than 8 September 2017.

Teaching Sabbatical form