Researchers wanting to cooperate with South Africa within STINT

30 August 2017

International Office is looking for researchers who have an ongoing, or a potential, collaborative project with South Africa, and who are interested in the STINT project South Africa - Sweden University Forum.

STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, has awarded Uppsala Univeristy SEK 5 million to coordinate the South Africa - Sweden University Forum project. Umeå University participates together with University of Gothenburg, Karlstad University, Lund University, University West and Malmö University.

A kick-off will be held in Pretoria in October 2017 and an important issue on the agenda is the content of the research seminars. The first seminar takes place in March/April 2018. Researchers at Umeå University who are interested in the STINT collaboration are invited to submit a short project description on ongoing or planned cooperations with South Africa. The description must be sent by e-mail, no later than 20 September, to Per A. Nilsson, international strategist and Umeå University's Project Manager for South Africa - Sweden University Forum.