Decision on Strategic Research Grant

19 October 2023

The Faculty Board of Medicine has decided on the Strategic Research Grant 2023, a three- and two-year research fund of SEK 800,000/year, including funds for overhead. A total of 22 applications were received (55 percent men and 45 percent women).

In this year's call, the approval rate was 45 percent. Of the ten grants, four were awarded to female applicants and six to male applicants. Seven grants were awarded to group B1 (which is judged according to criteria similar to the Swedish Research Council's) and three were awarded to B2 (which is judged according to criteria reminiscent of Forte/Formas) 3. The distribution between B1 and B2 is proportioned to the number of applications. In order to be eligible to apply, it is required that the applicant has submitted an application for a project grant to a national research finasier, or that one certifies that one already receives such a grant.

"It was somewhat surprising that there were only 22 applicants. The review panel considered that the applications were of very good scientific quality, that is, we are not worried that the funds will not do the benefit intended by the initiativet", says Anna Arnqvist, associate dean for research.
"We hope that more people take the chance to apply for these project grants. To be eligible to apply for these funds, one must either receive a project grant from a national research finansier or have submitted an application. This means that if you are going to apply for next year's call, you should start planning for this and apply to VR, Forte or Formas during the spring."

In group B1, a three-year research grant is awarded to the following, with the name of the department and project:

Anders Hofer, Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics; Targeting pathogens dependent on the host for the supply of DNA building blocks

Elin Chorell, Public Health and Clinical Medicine; The role of sphingolipid metabolism in type 2 diabetes development

Francesca Aguilo, Molecular Biology; How do RNA modifications regulate cellular identity?

Jörgen Johansson, Molecular Biology; Druggable RNA as targets for antimicrobial compounds

Lars-Anders Carlson, Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics; Molecular mechanisms in the genome replication of alphaviruses and flaviviruses

Michael Dimitriou, Integrative Medical Biology; Advanced signal processing in the PNS and its impact on sensorimotor performance

Staffan Bohm
, Molecular Biology; The multivesicular transducosome and olfactory epithelial metaplasia

In group B2, a three-year research grant is awarded to the following:

Kristina Lindvall, Epidemiology and Global Health; Screened – then what? Improving the health system response to socially-emotionally vulnerable preschool children

Malin Sjöström, Public Health and Clinical Medicine; Using artificial intelligence for online assessment of health problems: Recommended level of care, patient outcomes, cost-effectiveness, and user experience

Masoud Vaezghasemi
, Epidemiology and Global Health; Strengthening children's mental health services in Cambodia - prevention, early identification and treatment

In addition, a decision has been made on a two-year research grant of SEK 800,000/year for two recipients.
In group B1 for scientifically young researchers:
Verena Kohler, Molecular Biology; Implications of aging on cellular protein quality control
In group B2 for scientifically young researchers:
Fredinah Namatovu, Epidemiology and Global Health; Maternal healthcare, and domestic violence services for women with disabilities in Uganda

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