Terminens första föredrag i Filosofiska föreningen

18 september 2017

Filosofiska föreningen gästas av Sebastian Lutz, Uppsala universitet, som ska tala under titeln Philosophical Methods and Philosophical Methodologies.

Onsdag 27 september, kl. 19.15 – 21.00, Hörsal F, Humanisthuset

"Philosophical reasoning can rely on many methods – analysis, thought experiment, reliance on the sciences, and inference to the best explanation, to name but a few. Unfortunately, for many of these methods the rules of their application are as contentious as their validity.

One reason for this, so I will argue, is that a method's plausibility depends on the general methodology within which it is applied, where different methodologies can be distinguished in part by the status that they assign to philosophical results.

Luckily, even severe methodological disagreement can allow for substantial agreement about specific applications of philosophical methods".

Ida Anderalm, sekreterare i Filosofiska föreningen, hälsar alla intresserade varmt välkomna.

Redaktör: Per Melander

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