Tele2 is Umeå University's new provider of telephony

5 March 2024

During the winter, the university procured new telephone services. It was Tele2 that won and the switch will take place in the spring. You will receive more information about how you are affected.

The procurement that has been carried out includes fixed operator services, mobile operator services, support system for Umeå University's contact center and operator application as well as SMS service for group sending of SMS.

All suppliers who submitted tenders met the ska requirements that Umeå University had set for the evaluation, but it was Tele2 that came up with the winning tender. A positive news is that our new operator for mobile telephony enables more surfing at a lower price than today.

You who have a mobile phone through Umeå University will keep your phone number. You will find out about other changes in good time before the transition, which takes place at the end of May/beginning of June.

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