Canvas – launching a new learning platform

Canvas opened for all users at Umeå university on May 4, 2020 and became the new learning platform at the university.



On October 29, 2019, the Vice-chancellor decided on the project plan for introducing Canvas as the new learning platform at the university. The decision meant that the launch of the new learning platform, Canvas, could begin. The project ran up until the year end 2021.


We offer different types of training in Canvas, both introductory workshops and thematic workshops for specific tools in Canvas.

See all workshops in Canvas

Cambro and Moodle

The old learning platforms Cambro and Moodle will be shut down and decommissioned. How old material should be handled and filed and the time plan for the decommission can be found on the page Decommissioning Cambro and Moodle.


Log in to canvas

Hanna Karlsson