Course and program evaluations

Här hittar du handläggningsordning för kurs- och programutvärderingar.

Course and program evaluations are included in Umeå University's quality system (activity 3 and 4) read more.

Course evaluation and course evaluation

Course evaluation is done by students after each course. The course evaluation forms - together with views and reflections from teachers and staff - the basis for the course evaluation.

Read more: The survey tool Learning Experience Questionnaire (LEQ)

Processing order

At the Faculty of Medicine, there is a procedure that regulates the handling of course and program evaluations, see in the right-hand column.

Distribution of responsibilities

Program advisors are responsible for ensuring that the processing order is followed for courses and programs.

The program council is also responsible for developing a program-specific plan for routines for course evaluations. The plan must state how the work with course evaluations is to be organized within the program council's educations, including which student representatives must approve the course evaluation (from the student council/program council/other group) and who is responsible for course evaluations being published and where.

For independent courses, the corresponding responsibility lies with the institutions.

Publish course evaluations


Publication of course evaluations independent courses (in Swedish)

Courses within the program

Course evaluations must be made available to students and teachers on the course/program so that they can find course evaluations without needing a login and password.

Lena Åminne