Your personal page in the staff directory

You can edit your personal page in the staff directory on

How to edit your page

The address to your personal page, or profile page, can be found by customising the following url, or the Swedish page

Enter the edit mode by going to your page and logging in. The login can be found in the top right of the page marked Login > Edit. Log in using your Umu-id. Then click the button Edit profile under your photo or silhouett, and the button Publish profile to publish the page.

If you need help editing your personal page, please ask the web editor at your department or office.

Profile picture and press photo

Displaying a photo adds to the visitors impression or your page, and you. If you wish to change your profile picture, you can do so yourself. Find out how in the manual Upload a new photo on your personal page. The manual includes recommendations for cropping the image to the correct proportions.

You can also add a link to a high-resolution press photo in the University's image database, Mediabanken. Do so through the field Press photo. Add a link by right-clicking the photo in Mediabanken and choose "kopiera länkadress" (copy address to link).

To do so, a high-resolution photo must be available as an external image in the media bank. If Inhousebyrån has taken a portrait photo, they can assist you in adding it (order a portrait photography from Inhousebyrån here). If you are ordering a portrait photography from Inhousebyrån, please remember to note if you wish to use the photo as a press photo. If you need to make a press photo taken by someone else than Inhousebyrån, please contact Servicedesk.

Search Mediabanken

Contact details, appointments and Orcid

Your personal page shows your contact details, your job title and the department/office that you are employed at, or affiliated with, and your visiting address. The information is retrieved from the system Personaladministration and is managed by your departments/units directory coordinator.

If you are appointment as recognised university teacher, distinguished university teacher or docent, it's shown on the personal page. You can hide this if you want. The information is retrieved from the system Primula and is managed by your faculty's human resources specialist.

If you have an Orcid, you can choose to display it on your personal page.

Connect your Orcid in the tool My settings

Read more about Orcid at the library's website

Link to map

You can add a link to a map pinpointing your visiting address on our digital map available for Campus Umeå, Campus NUS and Umeå Arts Campus. You can only enter one pinned link on the map, meaning that if you have more than one visiting address, all will be replaced by the map link.

To safeguard your personal security, Umeå University does not recommend that you pin your actual, personal office or desk space using this map link. Instead, pinpoint the entrance to your corridor and floor level.

To create a link, go to the digital map and find your building. Click where you want to guide visitors to (your corridor or level) and press the link "Dela" (share). Untick "kortlänk" and copy the long URL and paste it on your personal page.

Tabs containing further information

Underneath the contact details, more personal information can be presented in five tabs. Only tabs filled with content will be visible on the page.

Short and long presentation

The short presentation will be shown at the top of the page and is also displayed in staff directory lists. The long presentation can be used to describe your work in more detail, both in Swedish on the Swedish page and in English on the English page. You can edit these texts yourself in fields on the page.

Read more about how to edit your presentation page under Update your presentation. Read A guide to writing you staff directory presentation.


Lists your publications in DiVA. If you do not want a standard listing of your publications, you can add a modified list on your personal page.


This tab automatically shows the research groups and research projects you are member of – given that they have been published as research projects and research groups on, and that you have been tagged.


You can edit a text field describing your teaching in Swedish on the Swedish page and in English on the English page.


This tab shows a list of news items and profile and feature articles in which you have been tagged. Content is shown as a list detailing the publishing date and headline sorted in descending order filtered by date. Talk to your web editor at your department or office if you have any questions regarding tagging content.

Related reading

You can also add related reading about you at the bottom of your personal page. For example, chosen articles and news items.

Use good judgement when selecting content for this related reading, both considering Umeå University as sender and the benefit to readers.

Ask the web editor at your department or office for help. Web editors can refer to a manual (in Swedish) for assistance.


Jonas Mattebo