Salary discussion and salary-setting discussion

The salary discussion consists of two evaluative discussions held by you and your manager ahead of the next salary review. The discussion should provide feedback on your performance, your results and your progress in relation to the workplace salary criteria and business goals.

You should have two salary discussions per year: one before the salary review and a follow-up after the review.

Salary discussion before the salary review

Before each salary review, you and your manager will have a salary discussion. The discussion should provide feedback on your performance, your results and your progress in relation to the salary criteria and business goals. During the discussion, it is important that both you and your manager give your respective views on your performance, results and potential areas for development. The discussion must not take place in conjunction with the development review.

The salary discussion is not a salary negotiation. The salary discussion is a discussion in which you, as an employee, can present an argument for an increase in salary, for example by telling us about your performance and achievements. It is also an opportunity for your manager to give their view on your performance and results in relation to the established salary criteria and business goals.

Follow-up discussion after the salary review

If you are a part of the salary review model of local negotiation, you will be informed of your new salary and will be given an opportunity for feedback from your manager. Here you will be informed of the basis of which your salary has been determined and you will be told specifically what is required in order to further develop your salary.

Salary-setting discussion

If you are a part of the salary review model of salary-setting discussion, you will be offered a salary-setting discussion where you are your manager discuss your salary. In this meeting, your manager should elucidate the balance between performance and new salary. You should also be informed of what grounds your salary has been set and be given information on what you can do to increase your salary further in the future. These salary-setting discussions can only be offered to Saco-S trade union members and those who are unorganised, hence not members of a trade union.


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