Salary review

Salaries are reviewed once a year on the basis of the university's wage agreement. Umeå University’s wage structure and salary determination is based on the central framework agreements for wages in the public sector.

The Swedish Agency for Government Employers and the central employee organisations, i.e. the trade union representatives, sign central agreements. The content of the collective agreements provides Umeå University with a framework for concluding local agreements. The local agreements regulate when during the year salaries are to be reviewed, and you can read a more detailed description of the salary process in the university's salary policy.

Doctoral students and assistants with education grants

As a doctoral student or assistant with an education grant, you receive a salary in line with agreed position standards. Agreements will be reviewed in conjunction with the local salary review. More information can be found in the local agreements on salary determination for doctoral students or assistants with education grants.

Refer to the more detailed information and agreements that may be on the right.

Moa Eirell