Plagiarism training for students

To increase students' knowledge about plagiarism and academic integrity, and thus reduce the number of students reported for cheating, an interactive online course is available that teachers can import into Canvas.

The course is multimodal and includes video, audio, text, and images. The students get an overview of what plagiarism is, how to avoid plagiarism and what happens if plagiarism is suspected.

They will be asked to answer a number of questions with alternative answers, and will find out instantly whether they have answered correctly or not. If they fail the first time, they can take the course again until they pass.

The plagiarism course is available as an open online course at the University Library: Open online courses from the Library

Teachers who want to use the plagiarism training as a learning object that is assessed in Canvas need to add themselves to the plagiarism training's Canvas page and download the course from there. This is because it is you as a teacher who will guide the students on issues of plagiarism, reference management and copyright.

The course is imported to Canvas but you need to log in to this page to access the link.

The plagiarism training has been developed by the Department of Language Studies, the University Library and Humlab.

Elena Lindholm, Department of Language Studies

Per Melander