Planning and follow-up

All operational planning – on all levels of the University – is based on Vision for Umeå University and the Strategic plan for 2023–2025.

The vision and strategic plan form the basis for a long-term plan of operations at the University. This plan runs in three-year periods and focuses on trust-based governance.

On the page for Financial planning and follow-up, you can find more detailed information about how the University's finances are followed up.

The annual cycle

The annual planning cycle illustrates the process and timings for operational planning and follow-up.


On 1 July 2022, the Vice-Chancellor adopted the Strategic plan for Umeå University for 2023–2025. The operational plan also contains directives from university-wide funding target agreements followed up based on the faculties' or the Umeå School of Education's reports.

What items must be annually reported and when to do so is described in the instructions for operational planning, follow-up of activities, quality enhancement procedures, and internal governance and control, which you can find under the headline "Documents for planning and follow-up".

The operational planning procedures are well aligned with Umeå University's budget, which is adopted by the University Board in June each year. The key policy documents for the University's operational planning – on all levels – are the Government's budget bill, Umeå University's own budget and Vision for Umeå University. But there are also other policy documents that need to be considered when planning and following up the University's activities. These can be policy documents concerning work environment and equal opportunities, talent acquisition and environmental management.


The University Board adopted Vision for Umeå University, and with that a trust-based governance approach. Each annual cycle includes continuous follow-up between the University Management and the leadership of the faculties, the Umeå School of Education, the University Administration and Umeå University Library. In the same way, faculties or equivalent will follow up work conducted by their departments, centres and units.

Each organisational unit must annually assess their progress according to their operational plan.

Presenting an annual report is one part of the University's follow-up process.

Support for planning and follow-up

Umeå University has a system to help you plan and follow up activities. This system is called Fokus. Read more about Fokus.

Internal governance and control

Internal governance and control is a process aimed to establish that Umeå University without reasonable doubt fulfils its targets and conducts its activities in accordance with the requirements under the Government Agency Ordinance regarding efficiency, compliance, reliable reporting and economical use of funds.

Follow-up of internal governance and control takes place in dialogue between the University Management and the faculty leadership or equivalent. In conjunction with the annual report being produced, the University Management must also assess if the internal governance and control has been processed satisfactorily.


Umeå University has a gatekeeping facility in place after a decision adopted by the Vice-Chancellor (UMU 103-1917-09). The objective of this facility is to prevent unnecessary administration and to allow more time to be spent on the core assignments. Read Regel – Gatekeeping vid Umeå universitet (PDF).

If the University Administration wishes to obtain data or information from faculties or departments, this must first be planned with the head of the Planning Office.

Contact: Maria Hanell

The academy clerk is the gatekeeper for the University Board assemblies and Vice-Chancellor's executive meetings. This means that presenters must ask the academy clerk for permission before a case they have initiated is presented at a Vice-Chancellor's executive meeting.

Contact: Daniel Andersson

Sara Rambe