Order translation from English into Swedish

This page provides support on how to purchase translations from English into Swedish from the national framework agreement. This is not a service included in Umeå University’s framework agreement for translation and proofreading services.

Important information

The national framework agreement is ranked. That means you must contact the supplier listed as number one first. If the supplier cannot take your assignment, you need to contact the supplier ranked as number two, and so on.

The price for translation is fixed for all suppliers, and the price may be adjusted annually. As an example, the 2022 price for translation from English into Swedish is SEK 2.40 per word for a non-authorised translator.

Translation services include proofing at level 1–2, performed by the translator. You can also add checking by an additional person at an additional charge of 35%.

Other organisations linked to but not holding Umeå University's corporate identity number may purchase translations from Swedish into English and proofreading of English texts from this framework agreement. The translation routines are the same, but the purchase of proofreading services requires reopening competition on all occasions.

PLEASE NOTE! If any of the following applies to your order, you are obliged to carry out a reopening competition:

  • You require a shorter delivery deadline than specified in the framework agreement and/or if the text exceeds 10,000 words.
  • You require other subject fields than general texts (civic orientation) and legal texts.
  • The assignment is particularly complex and subject knowledge is required.
  • Special requirements regarding security are necessary, e.g. confidentiality agreement or translation in the premises of the authority.
  • Assessment of a translator's expertise using test translations, references, CV or similar.
  • You require an additional service such as proofreading. (Please note! This framework agreement no longer applies to proofreading of English text to any organisation with Umeå University's corporate identity number).

Read more under the headline Reopening competition.

How to order

  1. Check that your assignment does not require reopening competition. That is, that none of the above six points apply to your text.
  2. Fill out the order form (avropsblankett) from the National Procurement Services when purchasing translation services. Download the order form and read the tips on how to fill it out.
  3. Write an email to the highest ranked supplier, CBG Konsult & Information AB, via ii@cbg.com. Enter "Översättning engelska, avtal 23.3-1520-20" in the subject field. Add "Express" in the subject field if you request express delivery.
  4. Attach the completed order form.
  5. Attach the file/s to be translated, or, if the texts are not yet available, state an estimated scope (number of words) and a date for when the documents are available for translation in the order form. The files should be sent in an editable format such as Word, and not pdf.
  6. Also provide potential previous translations, terminology lists or other information that can aid the translator, either when ordering or once the order has been confirmed.
  7. Send the order via email.

You should receive a response from the supplier within 4 hours. The suppliers are accessible on regular weekdays from 9:00–17:00. Reply to the supplier's order confirmation, and your order will be processed.

If the supplier cannot take your assignment, send the same order form to the supplier listed next, contact details can be found on avropa.se.

How to fill out the order form

Download an order form

The order form has been produced by the National Procurement Services and the bullet points below are aimed as support to fill out the form.

Fill in these details:

  • Myndighet/Public authority: Umeå University
  • Organisationsnummer/Corporate identity number: Umeå University's corporate identity number is 202100-2874.
  • Avdelning or enhet/Department or office: Your organisational belonging. For example, the Communications Office.
  • Fakturareferens/Reference code: State the reference code for the entity receiving the invoice, for instance, 7508ABC.
  • Kontaktperson/Contact: is the person ordering the translation. State your name.
  • Ref/diarienr för/Registration number: This is not mandatory. Write your own reference number or order number, or use a formal registration number.
  • Telefon/Phone: your phone number.
  • E-post/Email: your email address.
  • Datum när leverantören får materialet: Fill out the date for when the supplier accesses the material. This could be the order date or a later date.
  • Titel på texten eller materialet: Describe briefly the title of the order, For example "Translation of Rules for premises". The title will be used on the invoice and helps you trace the invoice.
  • Antal ord i materialet: State the total number of words in the texts to be translated, by doing a word count. If you cannot count the words, the supplier will do this for you. Please note! If the number exceeds 10,000 words, you need to do a reopening competition (förnyad konkurrensutsättning), read further down.
  • Beskriv uppdraget/Describe the assignment: If there is not enough room in the order form, refer to the email and describe the assignment there or in an attachment. Remember to specify that you are requesting "translation from English into Swedish". Describe what the texts will be used for or who they are aimed at. You can also ask for a specific translator. To help you get the best result, please look at the page How to make a good translation order.
  • Krav på språkkonsultens kompetens/Translator's competency requirements: You can set requirements for what competency the translator should have. For instance: "The translator is be a native English speaker or equivalent and must have documented experience of translating for the higher education sector." Potentially also: "The name of the translator must be specified." Add any additional requirements relevant to the assignment. For example: "The translator should have experience of translating course syllabi within the higher education sector."
  • Maskinöversättning/Machine translation: Select "No". Machine translation is not allowed. Select from the drop-down menu by clicking the cell and the arrow shown.
  • Kontrolläsning av färdig översättning/Translation check: This asks if you wish to have another person check the translation before delivery. Select "No", unless you specifically request this additional service. If you do, an additional cost of 35% is added.
  • Bestyrkande av auktoriserad translator/Authorised translator: This asks if you request an authorised translator. Select "No", unless you specifically request this additional service. The list price for this service is higher (SEK 2.70 per word for English to Swedish in 2022). When do I ask for an authorised translator (auktoriserad translator)?
  • Format: Choose what format you wish to receive the completed translation in. Usually, "Digitalt redigerbart" (electronically editable) is what you want, but there are other options.
  • Leveranstid/Delivery time: Usually choose within the scope of "Normalleverans" (Normal delivery time) according to the number of words, if you have completed a word count. Or select "Expressleverans" (Express delivery) if you are in a hurry. The cost of express delivery is an additional 50% of the word price. Read about the agreed delivery times further down.
  • Leveranssätt/Delivery method: Usually select "E-post" (Email).
  • Leveransadress/Delivery address: Fill in the email address to which you wish to receive the delivery, or enter a postal address is a paper copy is to be sent by post.
  • Övrig information/Other information: Enter if you have any other requests or if you have any additional reference material.

Delivery times

Normal delivery

1 – 2,000 words within 5 working days
2,001 – 10,000 words within 10 working days

Express delivery

When ordering an express delivery, an additional 50% charge to the word price. The price for translation from English into Swedish is hence SEK 3.60 per word (2022 price list). Before ordering an express delivery, you need to ensure that everyone involve is able to rapidly process the translation once delivered. If not, please choose normal delivery.

1 – 500 words within 1 working day
501 – 1,000 words within 2 working days
1,001 – 2,000 words within 3 working days
2,001 – 10,000 words within 5 working days

When ordering through reopening competition, these delivery times do not apply. Instead, you will agree on a delivery time with the supplier, or use delivery time as a requirement to award contract.

Reopening competition (Förnyad konkurrensutsättning)

Reopening competition must take place through the Procurement and Purchase Office. Fill out the form Order a procurement, and a procurement officer will contact you. The form is available in English by changing language at the top right. Order a procurement

Factors requiring reopening competition (Förnyad konkurrensutsättning)

Purchases from the framework agreement must take place using reopening competition if one of the following criteria applies:

  • You require a shorter delivery deadline than specified in the framework agreement and/or if the text exceeds 10,000 words.
  • You require other subject fields than general texts (civic orientation) and legal texts.
  • The assignment is particularly complex and subject knowledge is required.
  • Special requirements regarding security are necessary, e.g. confidentiality agreement or translation in the premises of the authority.
  • Assessment of a translator's expertise using test translations, references, CV or similar.
  • You require an additional service such as proofreading. (Please note! This framework agreement no longer applies to proofreading of English text to any organisation with Umeå University's corporate identity number).

Direct award of contract (Direktupphandling)

When a framework agreement is in place, you may generally not proceed with a direct award of contract. You may not purchase services from suppliers that are not contracted. However, direct award of contract can be performed if none of the procured suppliers in the framework agreement can take on the assignment, but they must first be asked.

Perform a direct award of contract

When do I ask for an authorised translator (auktoriserad translator)?

"Authorised Translator" is a protected professional title. To become an authorised translator, a translator must successfully complete a translation examination with extremely high requirements. The exam is organised by the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet). The exam consists of translations of a general, a financial, and a legal text.

An authorised translator must adhere to "Excellent Translation Practices" (God translatorssed), which comprise guidelines for authorised translators issued by Kammarkollegiet. Assignments conducted by authorised translators vary from grades, official papers, birth and marriage certificates, death certificates, general and annual reports to judgments, police reports, litigation and demanding legal texts.

An authorised translator is generally authorised in one language direction, e.g. English to Swedish, and the authorisation must be renewed every fifth year. Ask for and check the validity of the translator's authorisation number.

Read more about authorised translators and check validity

Validity of the framework agreement

The National Procurement Services' framework agreement for translations to and from English was signed on 4 April 2022 and is valid until and including 3 April 2026. Framework agreement number is 23.3-1520-20.

Contact or complaints

If you are dissatisfied with a delivery, please notify the supplier and report to the Procurement and Purchase Office through upp.adm@umu.se. You can also turn to them if you have other questions about the framework agreement.

Procured suppliers

Translation to and from English

  1. CBG Konsult & Information AB
  2. Semantix SpråkCentrum AB
  3. AAR Translator Aktiebolag
  4. Språkservice Sverige AB

Download the order form

Find more information on on Avropa.se 

Useful dictionaries

English and Swedish style guides

Use Umeå University's style guides as support when writing in Swedish or English.

English style guide

Swedish style guide

Anna Lawrence