Mediabanken image data bank

The University’s Mediabanken image data bank contains a large number of images for print, web and other media that you can download and use in your work.

Mediabanken contains a number of images that you, as part of our staff, may use within the context of your work if needed, for example as part of a presentation or the like. Log in with your Umu-id to see all images in Mediabanken. You can perform searches and apply filters. Click on the image to see the image information. Always check that you have the right to use the image.

Link to Mediabanken

Images you order from Inhousebyrån photographers are normally delivered to Mediabanken.

Please contact the Communications Office if you have any questions about Mediabanken, the use of images or image rights, or if you have high-resolution images you would like to contribute to Mediabanken.

Mediabanken is also an image archive

Mediabanken also serves as an image archive for images that are no longer used, but may be required in the future for historical retrospectives. These images are not displayed in the interface you access as a staff member. They can only be accessed via a different administration interface (called Backend), which a smaller number of people have access to.

Link to Episerver

The University's Episerver web publication system is linked to Mediabanken. Web editors can upload images to Mediabanken via Episerver or select images already available in Mediabanken. In Episerver, the web editor adapts the image to the right format. Information such as alt text, description and photographer is retrieved from Mediabanken automatically, but can be edited if necessary.

Read more about image formats in the user support in the Teams channel for web publication (only available in Swedish).

Relabelling or removing images from Mediabanken

Web editors cannot relabel, unpublish or delete an image from Mediabanken via Episerver. This must be done by someone with the required permissions in the administrator interface (Backend). The Communications Office has a number of people with the required permissions for Backend. Contact Servicedesk.

Erik Vesterberg