Formulating your message

What is it you want to say to your target audiences? Formulating messages can be a useful tool in your toolbox and help you to formulate texts in the future.

Checklist – formulating your message

Tie the messages to the goals

Make sure that the messages are anchored in your communication goals – what you want the target audience to know, feel/think and do.

Start from the target audience's prior knowledge

Adapt your messages to your target audience's level of awareness, interest and knowledge of what you want to communicate. It is easy to take for granted that the interest is already there.

Step away from the insider perspective

Step away from the insider perspective. Start instead from the target audience's perspective. How does the target audience talk about your activities? What words and phrases do they use? A "you" approach may sometimes be better to get closer to the audience and arouse interest. See the section on tonality for more guidance.


Simplifying is often necessary to get the reader or viewer on board.

Let them know what problems you are solving

What problems does the target audience have and how are you solving them? What are the characteristics, advantages and benefits of what you are offering?

Write with questions

It can be a good idea to write with questions. Questions are engaging.

Use active language

Use active sentences, i.e. use verbs. The Texts section offers additional tips on what to think about when writing texts.

What do you want the target audience to do?

It is a good idea to have a clear "call-to-action" in your message, i.e. a statement of what you want the target audience to do.

Anja Axelsson