AI services

AI services have in a short time developed into useful aids for both employees and students. As with all other IT services, it is important to consider security. This page presents advice on what you must consider before using AI in your position at Umeå University.

What is AI?

AI is short for artificial intelligence, which means that machines or programs can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as understanding language, recognising images or solving problems.

How can AI be used?

AI can be used in many different ways within a university, for example to improve teaching, research, administration or communication. Some examples of what AI can help you with:

  • Search for relevant information on the web.
  • Write, rewrite, improve or optimise your content.
  • Help create interesting and educational presentations, questions, assignments and activities for students.
  • Give you feedback and tips on how to improve your teaching and learning.
  • Generate questions, summaries or presentations.
  • Translate, interpret or transcribe languages.

Use with common sense and be critical of the source

AI services use different tools and models to generate their answers. Therefore, you have to be a critical thinker and review the answers that an AI service gives you, and not take them for granted or as truths. If you choose to use content that has been generated by an AI service, you are also responsible for the content.

Advice on security in AI services

  • Only use IT systems and IT services recommended and provided by the University. Use them only for the kind of information that the system or service's established protection value indicates.
  • If you need an IT system or service for your work that is not recommended; contact the IT Office (ITS).
  • Avoid using free services and free tools as these are outside the University's control.
  • If it is necessary to use free services or free tools, a careful assessment should be made of the security and integrity of the service. It is important to ensure that such services meet the requirements of GDPR and the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.

Do not process personal data or confidential information

Do not process other people's personal data or confidential information in an AI chat. Nor do other people's material protected by intellectual property rights, e.g. material you use with the support of the copying agreement, other people's copyrighted material. Also avoid adding research data and information that should not be disseminated, such as exam assignments.

Elin Sköld